Gather all ingredients before starting recipe.
Combine all dressing ingredients in a jar with a tight fitting lid, shake well and set aside until ready to use.
Put sliced potatoes into a medium sauce pan filled with water. Season with kosher salt and bring the water to a boil. Reduce heat to fast simmer and cook for 10-12 minutes, or until the potatoes are firm tender. Do not overcook.
While the potatoes are cooking, slice bacon and add to a cold skillet. Set heat to medium high and cook bacon, stirring, until most of the fat has been rendered, 5-6 minutes.
Remove bacon, set aside, drain the skillet of all of the the fat and add the corn. Cook corn on medium high until the kernels begin to char, about 4-5 minutes.
Drain potatoes when cooked and add to a shallow rimmed plate. Pour about 1/3 of the dressing on the potatoes. Gently toss to cover all surfaces.
After a few minutes, add the bacon and corn and drizzle another 1/3 of the dressing over the entire salad and toss again.
Serve this salad warm or at room temperature.