
About Me ………….
I am a Cookbook Author, a Recipe Blogger and a Home Chef. Cooking is my passion. Each week I try new recipes or remake old ones. I am a curious and adventurous cook and enjoy sharing my recipes through my cookbook and my recipe blog with all adventurous cooks around the world.
My cooking style is international. I was born in Budapest, Hungary but I was raised in the US, and later moved to Canada. This is where I met and married my husband, who is the lucky recipient of my food experiments, always delicious. I attribute my sense of style and interest in international cuisine to my Hungarian heritage, to my mother, who was an incredible cook, and to influences and experiences gained from our world-wide travels.
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About Inspired Cuisine ………….
I have prepared and photographed each recipe in this recipe blog, Inspired Cuisine, and took care to include ‘how to’ tips and make-ahead ideas for many of these. Additionally, most recipes include illustrated instructions, all designed to save you time or show you how to make the dish in the recipe. Browse the Recipes page and choose from hundreds of recipes for dinners, lunches, desserts or more.
Mu focus is on good food with lots of flavor. Many of the recipes for these are quick and easy and often take less than 30 minutes to get to the table. But cooking can take time, and to get flavor, the recipe may include variety of ingredients. You will find these kinds of recipes right alongside my fast and easy favorites.
Just as a diversion to cooking, I also publish posts on a variety of topics in my Blog. I found that my blog section is a great way to write about places we’ve been and can recommend, restaurants we’ve tried and liked and what their specialties are. My blog has also turned out to be a way to describe cooking techniques and the origins of some of the recipes that I have published.
Because I also have a passion for gardening, you will find both real gardening ideas, table decorations and beautiful photos of plants and flowers encountered in my travels.
This collection of recipes and blog posts may provide another perspective and perhaps be of inspiration to you. I enjoy both the cooking and the writing and hope that you will too.
About Me ………….
I am a Cookbook Author, a Recipe Blogger and a Home Chef. Cooking is my passion. Each week I try new recipes or remake old ones. I am a curious and adventurous cook and enjoy sharing my recipes through my cookbook and my recipe blog with all adventurous cooks around the world.
My cooking style is international. I was born in Budapest, Hungary but I was raised in the US, and later moved to Canada. This is where I met and married my husband, who is the lucky recipient of my food experiments, always delicious. I attribute my sense of style and interest in international cuisine to my Hungarian heritage, to my mother, who was an incredible cook, and to influences and experiences gained from our world-wide travels.
For more information, select one of the options below.

About Inspired Cuisine
I have prepared and photographed each recipe in this recipe blog, Inspired Cuisine, and took care to include ‘how to’ tips and make-ahead ideas for many of these. Additionally, most recipes include illustrated instructions, all designed to save you time or show you how to make the dish in the recipe. Browse the Recipes page and choose from hundreds of recipes for dinners, lunches, desserts or more.
Mu focus is on good food with lots of flavor. Many of the recipes for these are quick and easy and often take less than 30 minutes to get to the table. But cooking can take time, and to get flavor, the recipe may include variety of ingredients. You will find these kinds of recipes right alongside my fast and easy favorites.
Just as a diversion to cooking, I also publish posts on a variety of topics in my Blog. I found that my blog section is a great way to write about places we’ve been and can recommend, restaurants we’ve tried and liked and what their specialties are. My blog has also turned out to be a way to describe cooking techniques and the origins of some of the recipes that I have published.
Because I also have a passion for gardening, you will find both real gardening ideas, table decorations and beautiful photos of plants and flowers encountered in my travels.
This collection of recipes and blog posts may provide another perspective and perhaps be of inspiration to you. I enjoy both the cooking and the writing and hope that you will too.