Tip : If you are preparing the pastry on individual serving plates, add a couple of dollops of pastry cream to the plate and then place the first layer of the pastry on top. This will help the pastry from shifting around the plate when its being cut.
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Gather ingredients before starting the recipe.
Pre heat oven to 400°F.
Defrost one sheet of puff pastry according to package directions.
Dust board with flour and roll out puff pastry to about an 11 x 16 rectangle.
Cut straight edged 2 1/2" x 5" rectangles from the sheet, you should get about 12 slices in total.
Transfer slices to a parchment lined cookie sheet and refrigerate for five minutes.
Remove pastry from refrigerator and brush each pastry with melted butter and then sprinkle with sugar.
Cover pastry slices with a second sheet of parchment paper and top with a second cookie sheet the same size as the first.
Bake in pre heated oven for 10-15 minutes. Check after the first 10 minutes, the pastry should be lightly golden.
When done, remove second cookie sheet and parchment and allow to cool.
Assembly You will need 3 pastry rectangles per serving.
Dot the first pastry layer with 3-4 teaspoons pastry cream and spread out almost to the edges.
Top cream with raspberries, maybe 6 per pastry sheet, just enough to make 2 rows sitting in the cream.
Top this layer with another pastry slice and repeat the cream and another 6 raspberries.
Finally top with the 3rd pastry sheet.
Dust the top sheet of pastry with powdered sugar and serve.