It was the first week in May, and not a very warm or sunny May at that, and we happened to be at a grocery store where the store’s first shipment of annuals was being unloaded.

I have said many times that I will wait until the May long weekend before I buy and plant annuals, but last season I was caught short and had to settle for what was available, rather than what I wanted.

And so, this year when I saw the yellow begonias I wanted last year, I made a snap decision and bought the begonias.

I have been buying annuals in baskets for years as the plants are mature and in full bloom to start.  Each basket usually holds 3 or 4 plants and can be easily separated after turning them out of their pots. These plants are perfect for containers as they provide an instant showing.

Since I bought them before I had a chance to look at my containers and calculate what I needed, I wound up buying far too many begonias to the point where the garden was overwhelmed by all the yellow. I even took some out and gave them to my neighbor.

So, my next trip was to a garden center to get some plants with contrasting colors, white, blue, purple, even a bit of pink and of course some trailing vines.

Once I had a chance to plant these new additions, the garden still looked very yellow, but a planned yellow. I am just waiting for my hydrangea to bloom as a backdrop and then the garden will be complete and perhaps worthy of another photo.

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