We have all seen the weather reports from states and countries north of Florida over the last few weeks. If you live in one of those states or countries, you are no doubt wishing that you were elsewhere.
We on the other hand are happy that we are not ‘up north’. This seems a constant greeting on the golf course where we chat before teeing off. Invariably someone will ask, aren’t you glad that you are not in Toronto, or Buffalo or Chicago, or Cleveland?
So many of us head south when the snow flies. We did, and while we have roller coastered like all those north of us, we roller coastered from 80°F to 45°F. We plummeted to a decade low of 37°F around Christmas. That made it time to bring out the puffy jackets and sneakers! Too cold on this day for flip-flops.
All this weather was relatively short lived of course as by noon on that very cold day we were shedding our ‘puffy’ jackets’ and were returning to coolish day normal. But we did have the heat on for two or three days. So, a little bit of winter for us too.