We have made this Roast Beef dinner any number of times over the years. Each time it brings back memories of Sunday Lunch in the UK. It didn’t matter if you were eating at a local pub, a country house hotel, Simpson’s on the Strand or at the Savoy, Sunday Lunch always had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding on the menu! The roast of beef may have differed, but it was always delicious. No wonder that it is also an English Christmas Dinner tradition.

This year we decided on Prime Rib of Beef for our ‘pre-Christmas’ dinner, I am so happy that we did, even though I am bound and determined to make turkey for Christmas again this year. Prime Rib is on sale now and how can you walk away from a beautiful prime rib of beef? My recipe for this roast is absolutely guaranteed. I originally saw the recipe in a James Beard cookbook many years ago, and I have not deviated from the recipe since. The instructions are now cast in stone!

And so, the weather outside is delightful and the golf is exceptional, (we only miss the snow a little bit) and staying in the Christmas spirit, I made us an English (pre)Christmas feast and it was delicious! Here’s the menu.




Roast Prime Rib of Beef

Brown Sauce

Mini Yorkshire Puddings

Sautéed Rainbow Chard with Pine Nuts and Dried Cranberries

New Potatoes, Tossed in Butter and Parsley


Sticky Toffee Pudding with Toffee Sauce

Since we were two, the meal left lots of delicious roast beef, some for sandwiches the next day and Yorkshire Tidbits last night for dinner. Nothing went to waste, and how could it, it’s just too good!

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