April is normally the time that we travel back to Canada, except not this year. We are extending our stay until Canada catches up and we will again be able to travel freely.

April is also when I get the bug to start my garden. By now I would have bought the 2-3 baskets of pansies to place in a few of the planters on our terrace. I always find these ‘first of the season hardy annuals’ to be the true harbinger of warm days. They also add wonderful color this early in the season and blend beautifully with the new bright green vibrant growth on trees and shrubs.

This is also the time when the tender new leaves of the lilies make their appearance. They seem to grow and multiply daily during the warm days and cool nights we often have during April.

I miss not being able to spend time on my terrace, do a bit of yard work, spreading some mulch in the beds, topping up the planters with new potting soil, turning on the water, testing the irrigation system, and just generally getting ready for summer in the city.

I hear that Toronto is in for a hot summer, I am somewhat prepared in keeping my garden green. With help from home, the water has been turned on, the garden timer has been located and stored outside and, with the help of my garden maintenance service later this month, the tiny irrigation system will be turned on so the garden terrace should be in good shape when we return.

Here’s hoping that things will normalize soon so that I will be able to fill my planters and enjoy my urban garden at home.

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