This salad looks good, is not loaded with calories, does have a lot of green, but it’s good for a lean diet. The only bad part is the candied pecans, so don’t use too many.

This is a ‘non recipe’ recipe if you would like to make it. I used a can of cooked beets (refrigerated to make cool) some Romaine and butter lettuce, a Granny Smith apple, peeled and sliced (if you make this salad ahead of serving, squeeze a half of lemon over the apple slices to prevent browning) and goat cheese, crumbled over the top. I made a Dijon honey dressing. This is your typical vinaigrette with a couple of modifications.

I used a tablespoon of Dijon and honey, each, kosher salt and black pepper, a tablespoon of white wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and a bit of chicken stock. The chicken stock is to make the dressing a little less dense, lower calorie, and more ‘pourable’. These quantities will also yield enough for two salads and not leave you with any left overs.

A tip, assemble the salad and don’t pour the dressing on before serving. Instead, transfer the dressing into a nice little container and let everyone dress their own salad. Not only does the salad look better, it also allows you to control the quantity of dressing that you would like to use. Oh, and we actually had a glass of wine with this delicious salad.

I keep trying….


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