We all look forward to Christmas and start searching the internet, magazines and yes, even cookbooks, for inspiration just after Thanksgiving. But hosting a family Christmas is different than hosting a special holiday dinner party for friends.
Family Christmas is fun but often comes with traditional recipes. At the end the of the day, most families don’t like surprises, so turkey and gravy and a host of traditional sides are included, certainly a menu that everyone can relate to. There may be a new side dish or dessert included, but the oft repeated recipes must appear.
Entertaining friends is totally different for me. This is my opportunity to create a menu that is a wow! I like to prepare dishes that often include courses which are special occasion dishes and even extravagant sometimes. It’s the holiday season after all.
I normally start with hors d’oeuvres and have a host of ideas for these tiny little bites. I create these mostly from leftover morsels of smoked salmon and partial jars of delicious pickles, peppers, chutneys, savory jams and spreads, not to mention eggs, cheeses and fruit, whether apples or the slightly more exotic fruit like cumquats. And I don’t forget the lowly potato grated and combined with an egg and flour to make a mini blini. These blinis are a perfect foundation for a dollop of crème fraîche topped with black caviar. We have most of these ingredients in our fridge and in some cases our pantry. Use your creativity and imagination.
My appetizers vary in complexity. It all depends on the main course, but generally I like to keep the portions small and light.

I often serve a soup course, it’s a nice way to ease into the dinner party. Here are two velvety smooth and decadent soups for you to try.

For the main course I like venison, guinea fowl or duck, rack of lamb or a delicious filet mignon. The preparation for these recipes is generally simple. It’s the side dishes, including the sauces that elevate these neutral tasting main preparations to the next level. Both the side dishes and the sauces can be prepared well in advance of the dinner.

Each main course deserves a delicious side dish. These could include Gratin Dauphinoise, a creamy and cheesy potato dish, made the day before, or plain fluffy mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are always welcome. Either of these would go well with a simple preparation of blanched asparagus or slivered green beans with a squeeze of lemon. A more adventurous and favorite is Glazed Shallots, cooked with orange zest and honey for a real holiday flavor.

Desserts are always a must and are the finish, here are some that are simple to maybe a little complex but will please all your guests.

Set a special festive table and enjoy!