A helping hand, much needed and much appreciated!

It all started when one of my knees became quite painful last spring. This was during our final couple of months while in Florida and since we were heading home soon, I mostly ignored the pain as I thought I had just pulled a muscle or a tendon and thought it would resolve with a change in activities.  Also, taking a day or two off our normal 4 day a week golf schedule seemed to help.

Unfortunately, things only got worse when we started our normal at-home activities to the point where my knee just caved in one morning.

As I could not walk for a few weeks after this happened, the situation quickly escalated to knee surgery and I am happy to say that my knee is now fixed, now I just have to recover from the fixing.

A helping hand…

As I would not be able to get around without difficulty for at least a week or two, we had prepared for a non-cooking period by provisioning easy frozen prepared meals and lots of sandwich material.  But, by day 3, we were kind of tired of ‘prefab’ meals and just in the nick of time, my brother-in-law showed up at our back door bearing food gifts!

What could be better? The food gift was a delicious French inspired ‘Chicken Stew’ made by my sister-in-law Anne. Anne has a gift for combining ingredients that are as appealing to look at as they are to taste. In this case, a wonderful combination of tiny red pearl onions, bright orange carrots, green peas, and baby Yukon gold potatoes, all cooked in a sauce made with chunks of tender chicken and seasoned with tarragon and other aromatic herbs. She also added a couple of crunchy rolls just to ‘mop’ up the beautiful sauce.

It certainly satisfied that home cooked comfort food dish that we were both craving.

As to what happens next… hopefully a reasonable recovery period, I am working on it!

I do have a half a dozen cooked but temporarily abandoned recipes which I will be getting back to shortly. Keep an eye out for my side bar ‘Our Recipes’ as these new recipes will appear there. You will find this section whenever you click on a recipe or post. I plan to make a few minor changes to this section in the next little while, so it would be worth your while to check periodically to see when the changes will be  implemented.

And that big surprise…

I have also mentioned a great big surprise, and while it will be a great big surprise, unfortunately a little more work remains to be done. I am confident that all will be resolved, and assure you that both you and I will be equally surprised. Keep checking my site, it may be a Christmas present, snow and all, as we plan Christmas at home this year. The Suncoast will have to wait until the new year.

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