We have a little more than two weeks until we go backward from almost total freedom, to semi-freedom.

With luck we will soon see the opening of the conveniences that we have had here for months, shortly after we get back. We certainly will have the opportunity to see our northern family and friends without worry or restriction as we have all now received our second shots.

This time remaining on the Gulf Coast also means that I have to start living in holiday mode, meaning that I will no longer be provisioning as if we were living here full time. No more ‘on the whim let’s have this for dinner’ it looks good, nor do we have to replenish items to last us for months rather than a couple of weeks.

I  practiced this restraint when we stopped for a single missing ingredient that I needed for our dinner tonight and ran across an amazing display of melons and peaches and corn.

Georgia has apparently come into their summer season, earlier than we have in Canada, and there was a full display of delectable fruits, melons and vegetables at one of the markets that we stop at periodically. Most of these at home are late August, not late July. But then again, all of these may be available, and maybe from Georgia as well.

I could not resist the early corn. I tried to buy some corn before and I think that I bought late harvest Florida corn because it was tough, starchy and awful. This corn looked young and it will go great with tomato sandwiches for dinner tomorrow.

Almost home,


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