Now is the time of year when we all want to cook outdoors…and what tastes better than something from the grill?

There are countless recipes for grilled steaks, chicken, shrimp, but I do have some favorites. Grilled Flank Steak is definitely on the top of my list. It always tastes great, easy and fast to prepare and almost always leaves left over steak for another meal. Left over steak works well for me as it can be reimagined in many ways.

One of these is my version of a really yummy Steak Salad. (If you haven’t already, you might want to check out my post on grilling and roasting for tips on seasonings and marinades).

The first time I served Steak Salad, as dinner to guests, was after a round of golf. It was a good choice as I could prepare all the components ahead of time and then just finish the dish when we were ready to eat. I still remember the comment  from our friend when he saw the salad. He said ” take notes” to his wife with a broad smile on his face. It looks good, and tastes great!

Both of these dishes were recent meals for us, and since we have not had the salad in quite sometime, it was dinner last night.

The other, of course, is grilled chicken. I recently posted a couple of new recipes, Haitian Style Grilled Chicken and BBQ Grilled Chicken with Heavenly Sauce, both of which are truly delicious, but a mixed grill is a nice change.  Tuscan Grilled Chicken with Sausage fits the bill here.

You can almost smell the wood burning fire and the aroma from the sausage and chicken roasting for this recipe. But, unfortunately, we don’t all have access to wood fire, so I made this on my lowly outdoor grill.

As for a side dish, I have included a few summer favorites to choose from. I liked Simple Warm Potato and Onion Salad, but there are many more, maybe try Creamy Dijon Dilled Potato Salad or the classic Black Bean and Corn Salad. Or better yet, just search for salads on my Recipe page for more.

Happy Grilling!


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