Aren’t we all.

Difficult to achieve when everything around you is so subdued. Have you noticed recently that you hardly see anyone laughing? The closest you come to this is when you’re checking out at the grocery store and the check-out person asks how you’re doing, with a smile.  Can’t remember the last time I had what we used to call a good ‘belly’ laugh. My husband can still make me laugh that way, a nice thing.

As I have written, I enjoy cooking and entertaining.

Since entertaining has essentially ended, it’s difficult to conjure up interesting, creative and delicious meals. I have left overs from everything that I cook, from everything that I buy as an ingredient, from radishes, to lettuce to green beans to smoked salmon. Everything! My fridge is bursting with left overs! Even after I have repurposed the meal once or twice!

During better times, planned leftovers would many times be the cornerstone ingredients for hors d’oeuvres. So I would buy with a plan for a meal and for an upcoming dinner with friends.

Now, I go shopping and what I is see is the same array of meat, fish, veg and absolutely nothing new comes to mind. So, I have reverted to some of my tried and true standbys.

You will see three of these on my front page, Osso Buco, Butter Chicken and Beef Bourguignon. All comfort foods, all winter dishes and all predictably good. Be sure to follow this link or the link on my Osso Bucco as it will lead you to a delightful way to entertain, safely, and with a lot of creativity. Sure to make you smile.

I am working on inspiration for a Valentine’s Dinner for two. I have the recipes. I am doubtful of one, and have read it and re-read it more than once. I think it has potential but will require some technique adjustments, I think, to make it work. I will post the dinner for sure. I am convinced that I can make it work. It promises to be an easy do-it-yourself kind of dinner for you and your other half. Pretty, but not exotic.

In the meantime, I will continue to look for inspiration to give you inspiration.


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