Last year I used white geraniums and trailing bacopa as the focal point of my planters.
I thought it would make a stunning display (as I had seen the combination elsewhere), but gardens do change. Suddenly, the foundation plantings in my mostly sunny garden have matured, the trees have become fuller and taller, the hedges are fence height and dense, and so my mostly sunny garden has become mostly shady.

A change in plan. I thought begonias would be terrific and I had in mind to use a beautiful lemon-yellow variety for a change. There were tons at the garden center when I looked but I was not planning to buy that day as they were short of the number of palms I needed and these had to be ordered.

Well, despite all assurances that the lovely yellow begonias would be available in a weeks’ time, of course they weren’t. They did have tray after tray of beautiful white begonias, so suddenly, my color scheme reverted to last year’s plan.

I added some variegated vinca vines in the larger planters and variegated ivy in the smaller planters and added a pop of color by planting red geraniums in the sunniest spot.

While not exactly the plan, they are all oh so pretty…



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