Do you ever chat with the butcher at your store?
It’s amazing what you will find out. Meaning, that butchers know what the best cuts are when you are looking for a prime choice at a budget price.
My most recent find was chatting with our butcher at the meat counter. I was lamenting that the fresh cuts of meat had disappeared from their usual place next to the fish counter and it was replaced by an assortment of prepared dishes, cold, ready to take home and reheat for dinner.
The explanation was that it was a cost cutting measure, never mind that it served a whole bunch of people, including me, when I was looking for that choice cut, or only 2 sausages or 5 lamb chops. Yes, they said, they would be happy to break any pack that was already at the meat counter, but it’s not the same.
Butcher’s cut steaks at budget prices…
Anyway, after commiserating, I asked if there were any tenderloin tips available and I guess he took the cue that I could be interested in a cut that he particularly liked, but not at prime cut prices.
Do you like rib eye steaks?
It started with, ‘do you like rib eye steaks?’ Frankly, we are more sirloin steak types, but sure, I would give whatever he was going to recommend a try.
Try this chuck eye steak….
This happened to be the poor man’s version of a rib eye called a ‘Chuck Eye’. Apparently, there are only two of these steaks per steer and it is a butcher prized cut of beef. Once I saw it, I saw why, it is well marbled, it is as least 2” thick and it is ideal for pan searing with a dry rub.
Packaged in twos, it is plenty for four (unless you are 20 years old and have a huge appetite!). I made it for the two of us, and it was more than enough, leaving a fair portion for steak sandwiches the next day, but any leftovers would be ideal for Yorkshire Tidbits as well. That will be my plan the next time I make it.
If you are a rib eye fan, be on the look for this cut. It tastes like rib eye and cooks like rib eye, but it is less expensive than rib eye. You will love it.
Butcher’s cut Chuck Eye..
Spend a few minutes chatting with your butcher the next time you are not rushing. Here are a few butcher’s choice cuts and preparations that I have learned about from the butcher.