We have made it through another year and thankfully, we can close the chapter on 2021. While making plans are still something I wish for, I don’t see that I can make any in the foreseeable future, so I have to turn to the immediate.

As many other people, I have designated January to be my month. This will be the month where it is me first, this includes how I cook and what we eat.

Thankfully, stepping out my patio door to fire up my grill is pretty easy. Even when we worked and lived through winters, with snow, and rain, and wind, I still fired up the grill just outside my back door a couple of times a week. I let the grill melt the snow off the lid and pre heated a little longer than usual, but I still grilled all winter.

So, roasting, grilling, stir frying with tons of veg and salads will be the order of the day. My fridge is full of all this green stuff and I have a half a dozen recipes whirling around in my head.  As usual, I also have some new ones that I have already tucked away to be made in the next few weeks.

Amongst these, I think that I found a close likeness to the White BBQ Shrimp I wrote about in my New Year’s Day post. It does not exactly fit the January cooking profile that I have decided on, so it may have to wait. The dish was so good I have to try to recreate it, but maybe sometime in February.

In the meantime, last night’s dinner was White Bean, Peppers and Sausage Salad.  Grilled Chicken Brochettes with Garlic Lemon Couscous and Grilled Pork Tenderloin with my Special Greek Salad are all on the menu for later in the week.

There are other things in the works for this month, so it will be a busy time, but the grill will be in use and the meals will be light and full of ‘good’ things to eat. If you have a grill out of your back door or on your patio, try some of the recipes that I will be featuring during this month.

If you have to let the snow melt off the top of your grill, then take a friend out to keep you company while your dinner is grilling. It’s way more fun when you have company!




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