
All Beautiful Yellow This Year!

My Ornamental Pear Tree

It’s Now Spring Here Too…

It’s Spring Here…

No Gardening Until the Spring Now…

Chistmas Time…

Glorious Fall Colors…

So Pretty…

Yes, It’s Winter and Cold Up North…

A Little Summer, a Little Fall and Winter is Comming…

The Leaves are Beginning to Fall and the Apples are Getting Red…

Not Quite as Visualized, but Still Very Pretty…

Early Beginnings…

Spring in Ontario….

How to Create an Arrangement using Green and White Mums

I’m Thinking of White Geraniums Surrounded by White Bacopa…

It’s Winter!

A Bunch of Garden Flowers…

Still Need a Centerpiece…

A Bit of a Jungle This Year…

Echinacea or Just Cone Flowers…


I Am So Wrong!

Still on the Gulf Coast…

Flowering Crabapple in Bloom…

If I Were at Home…

This Could be Easter…

Am I too late?