
Fine Food and Drink in Old Quebec City…

The Leaves are Beginning to Fall and the Apples are Getting Red…

Not Quite as Visualized, but Still Very Pretty…

A Trip to Napa Valley…

Tapas With Friends in the Garden…

Osteria Giulia…Worth the Wait

Left Over Steak?

Early Beginnings…

Avant Goût, a Neighborhood Bistro…

You have the Main, but what about the Side?

A Lovely Lunch at the Shore…

Spring in Ontario….

Somewhere Between Cocktails and Dinner…

How to Create an Arrangement using Green and White Mums

A Truly International Easter Dinner…

I’m Thinking of White Geraniums Surrounded by White Bacopa…

Easter Sunday Menu

Meatballs and Marinara Dipping Sauce

A Bad Day in the Restaurat World?

Of Easters Past….

A Modified Nicoise Salad…

Not One Ounce of Fat!

Deli Rare Roast Beef and More…

Grilled Garam Masala Crusted Lamb Chops with Tuscan Salad

Two Handfuls of Shrimp, Please

Ho-Hum-Chicken Caesar, but Another Skinny Lunch…

Lo-Cal-Marinated Skirt Steak, Green Beans and Mushrooms…

Skinny Beets, Apple and Candied Pecans…

What…No Carbs?

Weeknight Dinners…

New Year’s Day in Florida…

Our Christmas Lasagna…

Food & Drink and Some Great Ideas…

A Traditional English Christmas Dinner…

Grilling and Roasting….S&P, Dry Rub or Marinade?

It’s Winter!

I Like Places Like This…

I Could Live on Potatoes and Bread…

A Bunch of Garden Flowers…

It’s Been a long Time Since we had a Peameal on a Bun!

Still Need a Centerpiece…

Food and Photography…

A Bit of a Jungle This Year…

The Real Hungarian Paprikash…

The Gift of Frienships…

A New Toronto Adventure…

Grilling Season!

Your Next Dinner Party Menu…

Catching up with Family…

Echinacea or Just Cone Flowers…

Two New Sauces that I Love….

The Clock is Winding Down…

A Big Build Up….

Where to Eat on a Wednesday?

Three of my Favorite Tapas…

856 Million Chicken Recipes….

A Whirlwind Weekend!

A Gift from Friends…

Julie Ryan McGue, Author


I Am So Wrong!

Still on the Gulf Coast…

New England and All Things Seafood…

She is a Fairy Godmother…

Market Scenes…

I thought I would try something different…

And the Next Day…

Flowering Crabapple in Bloom…

Spring Rolls Anyone?

If I Were at Home…

This Could be Easter…

Am I too late?

Thank You Florida and Thank You America….